Sunday, April 09, 2006

The positive things . . .

you get from even the worst relationship can be small and hard to see. Take strange, disturbing roommates--initially, you're just grateful you're out of the room (and hoping they get some professional help); later you see that they've given you wonderful things. Like Aveeno face moisturizer. Never would have discovered it if B hadn't used their lotion. Yeah, it's small, but life's made-up of all the small bits. On the bigger scale, if B hadn't gone ballistic, and I hadn't moved out, I never would have met H. Kisses to B for that boon. Now I have a sane, fun, roommate to share an apartment with. More importantly, H challenges me to be more outgoing. Oh, can't hide in my everyday with her around. Would she accept me if I did? Probably, but she'd encourage me to take steps out. And that's what I need.
So in the end, thanks B. You're a good person, but you're a nut right now. Despite that, you're the reason I met a wonderful person. Thanks, and if you ever decide to get that help? I have some phone numbers for you.


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