Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Nancy Grace

Flipping through the news channels, I stop at Nancy Grace. She's talking about some kid missing from a NJ college, John Fiocco, Jr. White kid, perfect teeth, curly hair--looks like a thousand other fratboy types (although he was by all accounts neither a pledge or a brother). This is what I hear--"Look, this is a kid scrubbed in sunshine. Look at that smile--not a delinquent. This guy was number 12 in a class of how many, Ellie?"

I gather the kid was thrown down a garbage chute and crushed. Personally, I know any number of perfect, preppy white kids that are delinquents, even if the law hasn't caught up to them yet. How do you know a delinquent when you see one? And more to the point, who "deserves" to be tossed down a garbage chute and crushed? Eh, nobody?

On another note, how the hell do you manage to toss someone down a chute unless, a) they're a willing and helpful participant, b) they're passed out or dead, or c) you have a number of people joining in the effort. 'Cause I can't see just lying back and letting someone toss you down a garbage chute. (Although, the kid was apparently playing Beer Pong, and drunks are not know to be founts of wisdom and logical thinking).

Then the inestimable Nancy Grace starts on about why no workers notified anyone about blood in the dumpster, until they were questioned about it later. How sure were they it was blood? We're talking about a college dorm--any number of strange things get thrown out. And honestly, how many people would recognize blood on a dumpster? I see a dumpster with a red stain, I don't think "Hey, that's blood, maybe I should report this." I think more along the lines of "Ew, I don't want to know what that is. I have possibly the world's suckiest job, and these college students are insensitive bastards." Yeah, I can see not reporting a bloodstain, not even connecting it with blood until someone mentions there might have been blood in the dumpster.

In the end, it doesn't matter if the kid was drunk, if he was/wasn't a delinquent, if he was a willing participant, or even when the custodial workers told about blood on the dumpster. Ultimately, no matter what comes of this, a family has lost a child. That's what it comes down to, an irreparable rent in people's lives.

(Anyone with a direct line to Nancy Grace--woman, you're a news reporter, not a gossip reporter. Tone down the eye makeup, it's not a formal event. Your appearance does not befit the seriousness of your subject.)


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